Starter Kit For New TON Developer
Empowering Development and Exploration: Unveiling the Potential of The Open Network Ecosystem”
Table Of Content
- Introduction: The Open Network
- Tools
- Community
The Open Network
Integrating Telegram, the TON blockchain is a cutting-edge technology created to address blockchain’s bottleneck. Seamlessly designed, it lets you experience blockchain more easily, more rapidly, and with heightened security, all while bypassing complex technical intricacies.

TON Wallets serve as users’ gateway to the TON blockchain.
- Tonkeeper: Mobile wallet, currently without signature functionality.
- Openmask: Browser wallet, signature functionality already implemented.
- MyTonWallet: Multi-platform blockchain wallet with signature functionality already implemented.

Easily acquire Testnet TON through the provided website. Simply share your address, and we’ll promptly send it to you. Immerse yourself in the TON ecosystem effortlessly!
- Ton.Run: The website allows you to provide your address, and it will send Testnet TON to you.

- Testgiver TON Bot: The chatbot allows you to provide your address, and it will send Testnet TON to you.

Blockchain Explorer for All Transaction Information
- TONScan: An universal browser for the TON blockchain
- TonViewer: A feature-rich blockchain explorer specifically designed for TON
- TON Scan: Shows full of important informations, more specifically, it shows the NFT Index ID.
- dTon: GraphQL based, update with instantly without need refresh the page

Smart Contract
The Open Network’s smart contract languages range from high-level to low-level: Tact, FunC, and Fift.

- TONight: Play to learn TON smart contract
- Tact-by-Example: Shows lots of example for Tacts related examples.
- Blueprint: TON development for professionals — all-in-one tool for writing, testing and deploying smart contracts
Software Development Kit, is a toolkit that simplifies creating applications for a specific platform for TON Developer.
- tonweb: JavaScript SDK for TON
- Ton3-core: TON blockchain low-level API implementation
- Ton-connect: Wallet Connector based on React
Every node in the blockchain network is carrying the state of the program, and if you want to communicate with the smart contract, you have to communicate with one of the nodes
- TON Access : Free, Decentralized HTTP API for TON
- TON Center: Free, Fast and reliable HTTP API for TON
- TON Console: Free with paid options, Connecting businesses to the TON ecosystem
- NFT Standard in Tact: This repo is dedicated to an NFT standard(TEP-62)
- Getgems on Testnet : The largest NFT marketplace based on TON
- NFT SDK: The NFT SDK is a tool that enables developers to create and manage their own NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) on The Open Network
- Awesome TON: A carefully curated compendium of standout libraries, tools, services, protocols, and smart contracts associated with the TON ecosystem.
- Awesome Tact: A curated list of resources designed to help you learn and program in Tact
More advanced contents is coming soon…
- Stack Over Flow on TON Blockchain
- TON Blockchain Telegram Community
Hello everyone, We are Frigatebird Studio.
Our mission is to be a leading blockchain development company, creating products that drive mass adoption. We believe that blockchain technology will become integral to human life.
Table Of Content
- 介紹 TON(The Open Network)
- 工具
- 中文社群
Telegram 整合了 TON 區塊鏈,這是一項先進的技術,旨在解決區塊鏈的瓶頸問題。它設計得無縫結合,讓您更輕鬆、更快速地體驗區塊鏈,同時提供更高度的安全性,而且還能避開複雜的技術細節。

區塊鏈錢包是使用者進入區塊鏈的大門,在 TON 區塊鏈中有以下幾種
- Tonkeeper — 手機版錢包,當前並沒有實作簽章功能
- Openmask — 瀏覽器錢包,當前已實作簽章功能
- MyTonWallet — 多平台區塊鏈錢包,當前已實作簽章功能

在區塊鏈,任何的操作都需要支付手續費,而在 TON 區塊鏈中,即是透過 $TON 來支付。
我們可以在測試網中透過以下的網站及機器人取得測試網的 $TON!
- Ton.Run:在網站中提供您的地址,它將會將測試網的 TON 發送給您。

- Testgiver TON Bot:在 Bot 中提供您的地址,它將會將測試網的 TON 發送給您。

- TONScan:TON 區塊鏈的通用瀏覽器
- TonViewer:功能豐富的區塊鏈探索器,專門為 TON 設計
- TON Scan:充滿重要資訊,更具體地展示了 NFT 索引 ID
- dTon:基於 GraphQL,即時更新,無需刷新頁面

The Open Network 的智能合約語言從高階到低階分別為:Tact、FunC 和 Fift。

- TONight:透過遊戲來學習 TON 智能合約
- Tact-by-Example:提供大量 Tact 相關範例。
- Blueprint:面向專業人士的 TON 開發工具 — 一站式撰寫、測試和部署智能合約。
TON 軟體開發套件(SDK)是一個為 TON 開發人員簡化在特定平台上創建應用程式的工具包。
- tonweb:TON 的 Javascript SDK
- Ton3-core:TON 區塊鏈底層的 API 實作
- Ton-connect:基於 React 的錢包連接器 SDK
- TON Access : 免費, 去中心化的 HTTP API
- TON Center : 免費, 快速且可信賴的 HTTP API
- TON Console : 免費但有付費選項,具有商業化等級的HTTP API
- NFT Standard in Tact:這個儲存庫專門用於 Tact 上的 NFT 標準(TEP-62)
- TON NFT EXPLORER (Testnet):NFT 區塊鏈瀏覽器
- Getgems on Testnet:TON 上最大的區塊鏈 NFT 市場
- NFT SDK:NFT SDK 是一個工具,使開發人員能夠在 The Open Network 上創建和管理自己的 NFT(非同質化代幣)。
- Awesome TON:整合了所有包括與 TON 生態系統相關的優秀函式庫、工具、服務、協議和智能合約。
- Awesome Tact:整合了在幫助您學習和程式設計 Tact 所需的相關文件。
- 相當於 TON 區塊鏈上的 Stack Over Flow
- TON DEV 中文:
- TON 中文社群:
大家好,我們是 Frigatebird Studio。